iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Yooper Talkin...

Started by BargeMonkey, January 07, 2014, 07:37:46 PM

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 Who ever changed the posts to sound like a "yooper" has made my night. The guys I work with on the boat always say "I talk funny" but my accent is no where near up there. I worked with a crew years ago on a tug crewed with yoopers, came home after 3 months sayin Eh' and the current wife at the time almost killed me... lol.. 

Dave Shepard

Wood-Mizer LT40HDD51-WR Wireless, Kubota L48, Honda Rincon 650, TJ208 G-S, and a 60"LogRite!


Lol when I was in the Army many moons ago I spent 5 months on the east coast. I had some friends from New England, Mass, Vermont and New Hampshire, Lol me being from the left coast I had a hell of a time understanding them. One had had a caw, I found out later he was talking about his car lol. Also had friends from Texas and Ark, they were easier to understand cause I went thru grade school with a bunch of kids from Arkansas.  Of course the New England guys thought I sounded funny too lol. ED
2- 562xp 24"bar
         576xp 28"bar
         385xp 28" and 32" bars
         25 ton Speeco
         6600 Ford
         02 Dodge diesel
         73 Ford 250


Bein' from the Mtns. of E. Ky, everybody that aint from here sounds funny! Or is it that to everybody that aint from here thinks we sound weird?.......Hmmmmm.....the chicken and the egg......the chicken and the egg.......

I worked with some guys from N. WV and I could hardly understand some of their slang, or terminology. I have also been around some people from PA and NE Ohio (where I went to college) and MAN! Did they talk funny! LOL Watching "American Loggers" is brutally painful! In what universe is a loader or shovel called a freakin CRANE!!!!! A crane is a big tall thingie with cables runnin everywhere!

I only work old iron because I secretly have a love affair with my service truck!


I didn't realize the folks outside New England talked funny until I went to college in upstate New Yok. Man did I get my cookies busted over our accent. Btw M_S_S we still have caws and most pakin metas take quatas.
"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  (Mark Twain)


We use to get people from away to work on the robots at work. The guys at work would always hunt me down so I could talk to the guys from away. I thought they sounded funny too.  ;D
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


I had one guy tell me that I was hard to understand. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with him, I understand me just fine.  ???


Yep. With the different accents and slang sometimes you would think we came from a different country. Told one guy one day I was going to go get a pop and did he want one. He had no clue till I said Pepsi. His reply was "oh you mean a soda".

But one thing I think we can agree on. Those women from the south with that true southern drawl. They can really keep your attention.

Funny story meaning I guess I'm getting old. Had a presidential visit to the airport where I worked from the current president. We had a drink machine in our firehall and would buy the drinks on sale at a local grocery store and sell them for 50 cents. Still made enough profit to keep the firehall stocked with mayo, mustard, ketshup etc. Anyway, one Secret Service agent came in and could not believe it. He had never bought a "pop" for 50 cents. Left carrying several.
Give me a new saw chain and I can find you a rock in a heartbeat.

mad murdock

Dang! When was yooper night? I missed it again  :( reminds me of being back in the Northwoods, where I grew up. Chet is the master!
Turbosawmill M6 (now M8) Warrior Ultra liteweight, Granberg Alaskan III, lots of saws-gas powered and human powered :D


Yooper by trade.


It was fun to see all my previous posts had been "yooperized"


And here I thought everyone forgot how to spell.
People ask me if I'm from California, say we sound like surfers dude... of course the native warshingtonians get all offended, even though we do kinda sound like surfers... especially when drunk... 

Most don't realize the best surfing in the continental US is in Warshington, but who's counting right.
well that didn't work

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