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Police Pay Me A Visit

Started by Mark M, February 26, 2003, 11:39:13 AM

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Mark M

Yesterday the police paid me a visit to take my heroine, but luckily I only had part of a shipment worth millions.

I manage the oil analysis lab for the Caterpillar dealer in North and South Dakota. We have one of the better-equipped labs in North America and are frequently called upon by other Cat dealers to help with unusual problems. Last week the dealer from Ohio sent me a sample of an unknown brown tar-like material that had fowled a fuel system on a new machine. When they fueled and started this new machine the filters quickly became plugged. Upon inspection the mechanics found a large amount (5 pounds) of this material in the fuel tank and sent it to their lab for identification. Ohio Machinery's lab was unable to identify the material so they sent some to me (I do a lot of microscope work and am pretty good at identifying weird stuff). I examined the sample with our microscope but  didn't have a clue as to what it might be (chewin tobakie came to mind)  as I had never seen anything like it. The Ohio lab manager and I visited on the phone and tried to come up with some possibilities. She mentioned the machine came from Mexico and wondered if it could be drugs. Since I don't know much about drugs and since the sample was soaked in diesel fuel (I didn't think I should try it) I suggested that she contact the police to see it they could tell what it was.

The police were called and they bought their drug dog to check the machine and it proceeded to go wild. Turns out this stuff was heroine and it did test positive so the cops took the machine away for further testing and investigation. I called our police department to collect the sample so records would show it was disposed of properly. The officer who visited me said it appeared to be "black tar" heroine and that 5 pounds would be worth millions! He also said they don't see very much stuff like this up here. Thank God for that!



Glad you got it disposed of.  We don't need any more of that crap on the street. More kids are turning on to it every day.  Good for you, Cat and your cohorts. 8) :)

Don P

I hope word got back downstream...there's gonna be some p.o.'ed hood's wandering around :o


Wonder if I can start to sell some of the black/brown goo from the filters on my equipment?  I could under cut them by a few hundred thousand.  I bet taking it with diesel fuel soaked in it might give them hart burn, and make them give it up
John Schoolcraft


Heck that might make them more addicted anything to do more damage to themselves, hey man that was some good stuff.


I bet the fuel ate it's way through whatever they used to wrap the stuff in.
While out cursing my property last summer, I came across some funny smelling bushes with strange looking leaves on them. The police came and got them, but they sure took their time doing it, a week after I called them.
Chainsaw Nerd

L. Wakefield


...'While out cursing my property last summer...''



   DanG, buddy, come to think about it, I curse my property pretty reg'lar too, specially the DanG puckerbrushes.. :D :D :D
L. Wakefield, owner and operator of the beastly truck Heretik, that refuses to stay between the lines when parking

Mark M

So then Rob what kinda bushes were they? I'm pretty ignorant about these drugs.

I talked to the lady at the other lab again and she said they found a bunch more stuffed in the frames of this machine. It was a skidsteer loader or "Cat Bobcat" as I like to call them.

I don't usually cruse my property but I have been known to yell at da dog.

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